Saturday, April 14, 2007

Quick Knitting Lace Project

If you have never tried to knit lace before, now is the time. There has never been so many great patterns available to knitters of all knitters of all stripes. The best way to try a new technique is to start small, and cheap. Then if you really like it, you can start shelling out the big bucks.

My favorite online knitting magazine it Yes, they are trendy, but they usually have one or two items for the conservative knitter. Below is a link for a Knitted Beaded Lace bracelet. It does involve minimal crochet for finishing so may have to pick up a new skill. But provided you have the needles this project can be made for under $5.00. The bracelets work up fast. I have made one in an evening. (my new name should be the distracted knitter) I can get distracted easily.

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